Defending Your Faith - Credits



This website has been a group effort but much of the information was taken from a course on Defending Your Faith that was painstakingly prepared by Kristy Wadsworth. A deep, deep debt of gratitude goes to her for all of her research and writing and her contributions to the Body of Christ. Another thanks goes to Janet Littler who worked to help format all the text files for the web. Below is the original bibliography that accompanied Kristy's course materials.




Geisler, Norman L. and William E. Nix. A General Introduction to the Bible. Chicago: Moody Press. 1968 , revised in 1986.

In-depth, difficult reading, but well worth the effort. Addresses questions: Who wrote the Bible? Which books were included and why? Has it been accurately preserved? Do we have accurate translations?


Ham, Ken; Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland. The Answers Book. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. 1990, revised 2000.

Subtitled The 20 most-asked questions about creation, evolution, and the book of Genesis, answered," this book offers scientific arguments for a literal six-day creation and addresses questions about carbon dating, the age of stars, where Cain got his wife, the flood, continental drift, how all the animals fit on the ark, the ice age, and what happened to the dinosaurs." Excellent resource--scientific, but simplified for the non-scientist.


McDowell, Josh. The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Original copyright 1972 under two titles; completely revised 1999.

Indispensible reference book for defending your faith. Difficult reading, addresses issues in-depth; an absolutely necessary reference book.


McDowell, Josh, and Bob Hostetler. Don't Check Your Brains at the Door.

Extremely readable book intended for teens, but good material for adults, too. Addresses each issue in three pages or less each. Interesting, entertaining, and good for defending major points of the faith. Example: How can we know Jesus rose from the dead? How can we know our Bible isn’t full of mistakes? Also has short activities at the end of each chapter for use with bible studies or groups.


McDowell, Josh, and Bob Hostetler. Right from Wrong: What You Need to Know to Help Youth Make Right Choices. Dallas: Word Publishing. 1994.

Absolute truth vs. moral relativism. Why does truth matter? What is truth? Book explores logic and morality, and right and wrong in relationships, families, lifestyles. Very readable.


McDowell, Josh and Don Stewart. Answers. (Subtitle: Answers to Tough Questions Christians Ask about the Christian Faith.) Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers. 1980.

Simple, single-page answers to some 50 difficult questions about the Bible. Where did Cain get his wife? What is the Apocrypha, and why aren’t those books in Protestant Bibles? What is the Trinity, and why isn’t that the same as three gods? How can we know Jesus existed? That he was raised from the dead? What happens to people who never hear the gospel? How did all the animals fit on the ark? What about Bible contradictions? All these and many more are answered simply, with additional references given for more in-depth reading. This book is an easy read, and highly recommended.


Montgomery, John Warwick. History and Christianity: Evidence for a Historical Jesus. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers. 1964.

Short, simple, academic, to-the-point arguments for the historical figure of Jesus and the authority of scripture, especially New Testament.


Morris, Henry M. Science and the Bible. Chicago: Moody Press. Original copyright 1951. Revised and expanded, 1986.

Quite readable by a non-scientist, this book reviews the basic laws of science and the fields of science necessary to understand creation/evolution. It outlines both theories and discusses science and the flood, including looks at the geologic column and fossil graveyards. Also addresses the age of the earth and has a chapter on fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.


Whitcomb, John C. and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing. 1961.

A scientific look at the probably causes and effects of a worldwide flood, including geology, effects on plants and animals, etc. In-depth, difficult reading.


Whitcomb, John C. The World that Perished. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. 1998.

Sequel to The Genesis Flood, this book defends a supernatural, worldwide. catastrophic flood and uses scientific observations to support its defense. Shorter and less difficult than The Genesis Flood. Stands alone, despite being a sequel.



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